Whale Tree and Faerie Life

Acrylic on Canvas
30” x 30” x 2” 
Original Sold

“In the mystical worlds of Light and Love there is an ancient majestic Tree staged in violet hue and cloaked in blue. Her great branches reach up towards the sky. When she is in her flowering time, butterflies and Faeries of all shapes, colors and kinds, dance around her. When she blooms blossoms and fruit, Angels and birds from far away lands come and sing to her too. Her branches, like outstretched arms, cradle and bless all who come and sit in her shade.  A small boy used to come and play under her, and the majestic tree developed a great affection for him.

Love embraces whomsoever comes near.

So the tree acquired a love for this small boy who used to come and play in her compassionate shade. Her branches are high, but she bent and bowed them down so that he might pluck her flowers and pick her fruit. Love is omnipresent and bows to the innocence of a child. If one were to approach the tree without Love, the branches would stretch upwards even more; it would stiffen for only Love can reach it.

The playful child in his innocence came to the tree daily and she always offered her limbs to him. The tree was very pleased when the child plucked some flowers; her entire being was filled with the joy of love. From the joy exuding in the Spirit of the Tree great Whales breeched in bliss and toned in the Air their ancient knowledge to share. 

Love is always happy when it can give.

And the boy grew. Sometimes he slept on the tree's lap, sometimes he ate her fruit, and sometimes he wore a crown of the tree's flowers and acted like the forest king creating sacred stars and alchemical magic. He became a king for the flowers of love and respect were present in his heart. The boy wearing her crown of flowers and dancing about in glee filled the tree with joy. She would nod in love and sing in the breeze. The boy grew more and more. He loved to climb the tree and swing on her branches. The tree felt very happy when the boy rested in her limbs.

Love is happy when it gives comfort to someone.

One day after the boy had grown he was feeling a little lonely as he rested in the branches of the great tree. He closed his eyes and said a prayer, he asked for a friend and a love to share. Creator smiled as He always does and said yes I’ll send her soon in form, a Love for you I grant because… you ask and in this love you shall find in the sacredness of your Divine… you will do much together for mankind…” 

“Great is the mystery of marriage, for without it the world would not have existed. 
Now the existence of the world depends on man and the existence of man on marriage.” 

Their love showered blessings upon the Tree and spread their love for all to see. Creator smiled and granted their dreams, He loosened the bonds, unshackled the seams. The two together stands rooted and strong, the two together fashion the One. In their love they bore a seed and together they created Great Mystery. In the innocence of pure Light the seed did grow this creative juice, their creative flow. Through all their days into Eternity they live in mirth.  Seeds of Love written in the libraries above forever sanctify and sow for all hearts on Earth!”   

In the image of the painting you see the Tree of Life massively rooted into the Earth with Her branches reaching, extending and touching the Sky. Through visions and lifted veils you see into the magical realm of the Faerie kingdom.  I specifically called upon the Devic kingdom to paint with me after seeing the magnificent Tree. In the spirit of Nature accompanied with beautiful sunny days, I painted outside under great Sycamore and Oak trees where their energies could be more easily felt.

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Whale Heart Male Faerie.jpg

To begin I was guided to gather and add into the paint, Sacred essences of Frankincense, pipestone, the herb Dragons Blood and India Ink blending this with Blessed Waters from the Chalice Well, Montezuma’s Well, John of God, Lourdes, Lake Titicaca, and other essences added of the Whale, White Buffalo, and Archangel Raphael. The combination I add such as this is always different for each painting; it is my Heart call I follow.

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Peace in our subconscious/unconscious mind, is a key to open for total transformation of our conscious mind. As the Faerie Angels come to Earth, they bring a sense of peace that can reach far beyond our understanding. The Angelic aspect is finding space for integration with the rest and now grounding this magical energy into the Tree of Life here on Earth. The Whales breach for Peace which is essential for our true transformation. Magic is alive and flowing with the Divine. All we Are is Love.