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Cosmic Christ


In painting the “Cosmic Christ” the crystal tanzanites essence, a stone of “Integrity” was used in the process to bring forth the Christ. Auspiciously I was commissioned to paint Him while in Glastonbury, England, while I was completing the painting of Mari Magdalene over the Winter Solstice. The energies in the Isle of Avalon seep with lore and mystery of the Christ and Mari, anchoring in the knowing there are no coincidences, I could not doubt an Infinite' Divine plan.


The Christ’s beard here in the painting stages the Tree of Life denoting the descent of the Divine into the physical world. The Chalice ascends to the heavens from His crown. “Stand before me,” He says, “you as the lion and I as the lamb,” Look deep into the eye of the Divine, you will see the truth and the light and the truth will set you free. He asks that we expand our vision, clear illusions of the conditioned mind and fly through the blue communication hue sent from above. All there is; is Love. At His third eye the Phoenix dances, as a half man half bird. I only had to follow the lines to bring through the Phoenix and could not imagine a more significant sign to represent the resurrection of the Christ.

Magic happens while I paint all the time, never in the same way twice, I am constantly surprised, and this phenomenon could be my favorite part of painting, I have tried to photograph these experiences, trying to capture the scenarios, nothing ever could portray what I was witnessing and what I wanted to share about the power of art.


It wasn’t until painting the Cosmic Christ that I would finally have another witness who can profess to the magic that can happen when Spirit is painting through me. While painting in the castle/manner in Glastonbury, England deep in the ice and frost of winter, candles flickering and incense burning. I was deep in my process painting all day long when the man who commissioned the Christ painting walked into my studio area exactly while I was in awe watching yet another magical moment. The left eye of the Christ was being formed without me touching my brush to the canvas. It appeared as if an invisible  hand of Christ holding a paintbrush busy at work. I had already painted in the right eye and the left eye formed in perfect proportions. I smiled feeling deep honour. And Finally, FINALLY I had a witness I thought, as the man stood beside me watching, we both witnessed a true miracle of the Christ that winter day in the castle on the Isle of Avalon. 

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The man, the Christ, His walk and talk, His truth is God and “love” is all there is. Jesus Christ is the living light of Integrity. Following His example of impeccable word and loving nature will set us free. It is important to realize that the pure nature of divinity is unity with Integrity, and that the seemingly separate aspects exist only in view of our conditioning, and living in a state of illusion and separation.


 To maintain a high level of Integrity, we must adhere to a certain call of self-discipline, inner trust, and a decision to be uncompromisingly honest in all situations in our lives. As we are present to true Integrity, we establish levels of trust, community and intimacy that is unprecedented to all other standards of life. Listening is one of the most important keys, listen to others, to the sounds in the environment, and especially, listen to our own thoughts. Listen beyond thoughts, to the silence that we are in our hearts, in our dreams.

For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.

John 6:38

Perhaps most important is being in Integrity with ourselves. This means not giving our power away and settling at being small so people will like us. Being real and authentic, honest and impeccable with our word, and like Christ, unconditional with our love and forgiving in nature, this is true freedom this is IT.

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  Stone Age, Glastonbury, England

'The  LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you
And  be gracious to you;
The LORD turn His face toward you
And give you  peace..'

Numbers 6:24-26